Dexter Sinister’s contribution to “Counter-Production,” a group exhibition at the Generali Foundation in Vienna (September 17 – December 16, 2012) involved designing its publicity and catalogue. Both were based on turning the neutral General Foundation identity upside down. A series of posters, invitations, adverts etc. were produced along with the instruction to be displayed with the tiny Dexter Sinister credit at bottom left the right way up—in which case the rest of the information would be on its head.
A street banner outside the Foundation was hung similarly inverted for the run of the show, and photographed from a particular spot for the cover of the catalogue which, like the rest of the printed material, was otherwise typeset according to the Generali's regular stationary template. The catalogue was available as a PDF to download from the Foundation’s website, assembled in three parts across the three-month run of the show, with the banner photograph retaken at monthly intervals from the same spot.